Go green czyli celebrujemy dzień św. Patryka

REPRO FREE 17/03/2016, Pisa, Italy – Tourism Ireland’s annual Global Greening initiative, to celebrate the island of Ireland and St Patrick, has gone from strength to strength – from its beginning in 2010, with just the Sydney Opera House going green, to this year, when about 180 landmark buildings and iconic sites across the world will turn a shade of green for our national day. PIC SHOWS: The Leaning Tower of Pisa joins Tourism Ireland’s Global Greening initiative, to celebrate the island of Ireland and St Patrick. Pic – Sarto Roberto (no repro fee) Further press info – Sinéad Grace, Tourism Ireland 087 685 9027

Empire State Building, Wielki Mur Chiński, Krzywa Wieża w Pizie to tylko niektóre z 190 znanych miejsc, które z okazji dnia św. Patryka zazielenią się w tym roku.

Płaci za to oczywiście Irlandia i dobrze wie, że jest to świetna reklama Irlandii jako miejsca turystycznego.  Ponadto marzec to czas gdy zaczyna się planować wakacje! W zeszłym roku ten 4,5 milionowy kraj odwiedziło 8,6 miliona turystów. Celem Ministerstwa Turystyki jest zwiększenie ich liczby do 10 milionów przed rokiem 2025.

Wszystkiego dobrego z okazji dnia św. Patryka!

Global Greening Cannes Global Greening Christ the Redeemer

REPRO FREE16/03/2015, Rome, Italy – Tourism Ireland’s annual Global Greening initiative, to celebrate the island of Ireland and St Patrick, has gone from strength to strength – from its beginning in 2010, with just the Sydney Opera House going green, to this year, when about 150 landmark buildings and iconic sites across the world will turn a shade of green for our national day. PIC SHOWS: People in Rome taking selfies in front of the ‘greened’ Colosseum. Pic – Tourism Ireland (no repro fee)Further press info – Sinéad Grace, Tourism Ireland 087 685 9027

REPRO FREE17/03/2015, Monaco – Tourism Ireland’s annual Global Greening initiative, to celebrate the island of Ireland and St Patrick, has gone from strength to strength – from its beginning in 2010, with just the Sydney Opera House going green, to this year, when more than 150 landmark buildings and iconic sites across the world will turn a shade of green for our national day. PIC SHOWS: The Prince’s Palace in Monaco joins Tourism Ireland’s Global Greening initiative, to celebrate the island of Ireland and St Patrick.Pic – Frederic Nebinger (no repro fee)Further press info – Sinéad Grace, Tourism Ireland 087 685 9027

Global Greening Soll Austria

REPRO FREE PIC SHOWS: The Clyde Auditorium, affectionately known as the ‘Armadillo’, and the SSE Hydro arena, in Glasgow, illuminated in green as part of Tourism Ireland’s Global Greening 2014, to celebrate the island of Ireland and St Patrick. Pic – Chris James (no repro fee) Further press info – Sinéad Grace, Tourism Ireland 087 685 9027

REPRO FREE PIC SHOWS: The iconic Burj al Arab hotel in Dubai, illuminated in green as part of Tourism Ireland’s Global Greening 2014, to celebrate the island of Ireland and St Patrick. Pic – Tarek Jajeh طارق جاجة (no repro fee) Further press info – Sinéad Grace, Tourism Ireland 087 685 9027

REPRO FREE PIC SHOWS: The Cibeles Fountain and Palace in Madrid, the ‘spiritual home’ of Real Madrid where fans gather to celebrate their victories, illuminated in green as part of Tourism Ireland’s Global Greening 2014, to celebrate the island of Ireland and St Patrick. Pic – David Mudarra (no repro fee) Further press info – Sinéad Grace, Tourism Ireland 087 685 9027

REPRO FREE 16/03/2016, Nairobi – Tourism Ireland’s annual Global Greening initiative, to celebrate the island of Ireland and St Patrick, has gone from strength to strength – from its beginning in 2010, with just the Sydney Opera House going green, to this year, when about 180 landmark buildings and iconic sites across the world will turn a shade of green for our national day. PIC SHOWS: Ahmed the Elephant statue at the Nairobi National Museum joins Tourism Ireland’s Global Greening initiative, to celebrate the island of Ireland and St Patrick. Pic – Embassy of Ireland, Kenya (no repro fee) Further press info – Sinéad Grace, Tourism Ireland 087 685 9027

REPRO FREE 17/03/2016, Bruges, Belgium – Tourism Ireland’s annual Global Greening initiative, to celebrate the island of Ireland and St Patrick, has gone from strength to strength – from its beginning in 2010, with just the Sydney Opera House going green, to this year, when about 180 landmark buildings and iconic sites across the world will turn a shade of green for our national day. PIC SHOWS: The Burg (town hall) in Bruges joins Tourism Ireland’s Global Greening, to celebrate the island of Ireland and St Patrick. Pic – Geoffrey Fritsch (no repro fee) Further press info – Sinéad Grace, Tourism Ireland 087 685 9027


REPRO FREE 17/03/2016, Berlin – Tourism Ireland’s annual Global Greening initiative, to celebrate the island of Ireland and St Patrick, has gone from strength to strength – from its beginning in 2010, with just the Sydney Opera House going green, to this year, when about 180 landmark buildings and iconic sites across the world will turn a shade of green for our national day. PIC SHOWS: The Funkturm Berlin (radio tower) joins Tourism Ireland’s Global Greening, to celebrate the island of Ireland and St Patrick. Pic – Stefan Wieland (no repro fee) Further press info – Sinéad Grace, Tourism Ireland 087 685 9027

REPRO FREE 17/03/2016, Brussels, Belgium – Tourism Ireland’s annual Global Greening initiative, to celebrate the island of Ireland and St Patrick, has gone from strength to strength – from its beginning in 2010, with just the Sydney Opera House going green, to this year, when about 180 landmark buildings and iconic sites across the world will turn a shade of green for our national day. PIC SHOWS: The Grand Place in Brussels, Belgium – a UNESCO World Heritage Site – joins Tourism Ireland’s Global Greening, to celebrate the island of Ireland and St Patrick. Pic – Peter Cavanagh (no repro fee) Further press info – Sinéad Grace, Tourism Ireland 087 685 9027

REPRO FREE 16/03/2016, China – Tourism Ireland’s annual Global Greening initiative, to celebrate the island of Ireland and St Patrick, has gone from strength to strength – from its beginning in 2010, with just the Sydney Opera House going green, to this year, when about 180 landmark buildings and iconic sites across the world will turn a shade of green for our national day. PIC SHOWS: The Great Wall of China joins Tourism Ireland’s Global Greening, to celebrate the island of Ireland and St Patrick. Pic – Tourism Ireland (no repro fee) Further press info – Sinéad Grace, Tourism Ireland 087 685 9027

REPRO FREE 16/03/2016, London – Tourism Ireland’s annual Global Greening initiative, to celebrate the island of Ireland and St Patrick, has gone from strength to strength – from its beginning in 2010, with just the Sydney Opera House going green, to this year, when about 190 landmark buildings and iconic sites across the world will turn a shade of green for our national day. PIC SHOWS: The London Eye joins Tourism Ireland’s Global Greening initiative, to celebrate the island of Ireland and St Patrick. Pic – Gretel Ensignia/PA Wire (no repro fee) Further press info – Sinéad Grace, Tourism Ireland 087 685 9027

REPRO FREE 14/03/2015, Niagara, Canada – Tourism Ireland’s annual Global Greening initiative, to celebrate the island of Ireland and St Patrick, has gone from strength to strength – from its beginning in 2010, with just the Sydney Opera House going green, to this year, when about 150 landmark buildings and iconic sites across the world will turn a shade of green for our national day. PIC SHOWS: Niagara Falls joins Tourism Ireland’s Global Greening, to celebrate the island of Ireland and St Patrick. Pic – Jules Oille (no repro fee) Further press info – Sinéad Grace, Tourism Ireland 087 685 9027

REPRO FREE 17/03/2016, Monaco – Tourism Ireland’s annual Global Greening initiative, to celebrate the island of Ireland and St Patrick, has gone from strength to strength – from its beginning in 2010, with just the Sydney Opera House going green, to this year, when more than 180 landmark buildings and iconic sites across the world will turn a shade of green for our national day. PIC SHOWS: The Prince’s Palace in Monaco joins Tourism Ireland’s Global Greening initiative, to celebrate the island of Ireland and St Patrick. Pic – Frederic Nebinger (no repro fee) Further press info – Sinéad Grace, Tourism Ireland 087 685 9027

REPRO FREE 16/03/2017, Birmingham – Tourism Ireland’s annual Global Greening initiative, to celebrate the island of Ireland and St Patrick, has gone from strength to strength – from its beginning in 2010, with just the Sydney Opera House going green, to this year, when about 180 landmark buildings and iconic sites across the world will turn a shade of green for our national day. PIC SHOWS: Selfridges in Birmingham joins Tourism Ireland’s Global Greening initiative, to celebrate the island of Ireland and St Patrick. Pic – Adam Fradgley/Exposure (no repro fee) Further press info – Sinéad Grace, Tourism Ireland 087 685 9027

REPRO FREE 17/03/2016, Auckland, New Zealand – Tourism Ireland’s annual Global Greening initiative, to celebrate the island of Ireland and St Patrick, has gone from strength to strength – from its beginning in 2010, with just the Sydney Opera House going green, to this year, when about 180 landmark buildings and iconic sites across the world will turn a shade of green for our national day. PIC SHOWS: The Sky Tower in Auckland, New Zealand, joins Tourism Ireland’s Global Greening, to celebrate the island of Ireland and St Patrick. Pic – Frances Oliver (no repro fee) Further press info – Sinéad Grace, Tourism Ireland 087 685 9027

REPRO FREE 16/03/2016, Galicia, Spain – Tourism Ireland’s annual Global Greening initiative, to celebrate the island of Ireland and St Patrick, has gone from strength to strength – from its beginning in 2010, with just the Sydney Opera House going green, to this year, when more than 150 landmark buildings and iconic sites across the world will turn a shade of green for our national day. PIC SHOWS: The Tower of Hércules, a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Galicia (Spain), illuminated in green as part of Tourism Ireland’s Global Greening initiative, to celebrate the island of Ireland and St Patrick. Pic – Tourism Ireland (no repro fee) Further press info – Sinéad Grace, Tourism Ireland 087 685 9027

REPRO FREE 16/03/2016, Abu Dhabi – Tourism Ireland’s annual Global Greening initiative, to celebrate the island of Ireland and St Patrick, has gone from strength to strength – from its beginning in 2010, with just the Sydney Opera House going green, to this year, when about 180 landmark buildings and iconic sites across the world will turn a shade of green for our national day. PIC SHOWS: The Yas Viceroy hotel on Yas Island, Abu Dhabi, joins Tourism Ireland’s Global Greening initiative, to celebrate the island of Ireland and St Patrick. Pic – Tourism Ireland (no repro fee) Further press info – Sinéad Grace, Tourism Ireland 087 685 9027


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Polka w Dublinie. Anglistka. Ekonomistka. Realistka. Hobbystycznie socjolożka. Raz spotkałam Roberta Makłowicza i podobno Franka Kimono ale tego nie pamiętam bo byłam za mała żeby pamiętać. Oprócz tego kilkunastu ministrów irlandzkich. Z pewnością robiłam wiele rzeczy w życiu, czasem za dużo i za intensywnie. Kiedyś miałam cztery różne prace na raz. Kiedyś uczyłam angielskiego kilku prezydentów pewnego polskiego miasta. A jeszcze bardziej kiedyś pracowałam w pubie należącym do pierwszoligowej drużyny futbolowej w Londynie. Odkąd przyjechałam do Irlandii zajmuję się technologią, przedsiębiorczością, gospodarką i polityką irlandzką. Nie dlatego że chcę, ale zawodowo. Chociaż coraz częściej też chcę. W rozmowie lubię wyrażać się dosadnie. Jestem poprawna politycznie tylko służbowo, ale jeśli myślę, że ktoś jest idiotą to dam mu to odczuć. Osiągnęłam wiek w którym już mogę sobie na to pozwolić. I nic nie muszę. Mogę za to nie być słodka. Przeklinać też lubię, ale dopiero jak kogoś lepiej poznam bo to niegrzecznie przeklinać w twarz nieznajomemu. Pijałam latte gdy byłam młodsza. Teraz wolę Americano. Miłość do czerwonego wytrawnego wina pozostała tak samo mocna. Gdy sytuacja wymaga zmiany trunku to przerzucam się na whiskey. Zmieniam zdanie z doświadczeniem. A Ty?


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